Volunteer Letter: E-commerce Platform Selling Conophytum | CBCGDF Botanical and Horticultural Working Group Investigation
Recently, the Botanical Garden Working Group of the China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) received a letter from volunteers reporting that a merchant on the Pinduoduo e-commerce platform was selling wild Conophytum on a live stream.
The wild Conophytum grows and reproduces in its original and natural ecological environment. Horticultural succulents are succulent plants that are artificially cultivated through seed sowing or division propagation. The succulent plants are loved by gardening enthusiasts and plant collectors because of their unique appearance and bright colours. However, the planting and maintenance of horticultural succulent plants often require years of patient care and time-consuming and laborious work. Therefore, driven by profit, poaching and smuggling meat cones from the wild has become a business.
In March 2023, the CBCGDF Legal Working group wrote to major e-commerce platforms, requesting that the sale and promotion of relevant wild Conophytum be removed from the platform as soon as possible to reduce the risk of illegal trading of wild Conophytum and to effectively ensure the Social responsibility for biodiversity conservation. Since then, the public sale of origin-produced meat cones on online e-commerce platforms has been greatly reduced.
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