This Kind of Donation Should Be Rejected! | CBCGDF Tobacco Control Working Group

Everybody knows: Tobacco is harmful to health. Therefore, although China encourages enterprises to actively participate in charitable and public welfare undertakings, donate funds, and contribute love, there is a clause in the Charity Law that imposes strict restrictions on a type of donation behavior, namely Article 40 (2): "No organization or individual shall use charitable donations to promote tobacco products in violation of legal provisions, nor shall they use charitable donations to promote products and matters prohibited by law in any way."

Global conventions and national laws strictly regulate tobacco advertising and sponsorship, which can effectively reduce youth exposure to tobacco and thus lower smoking rates.

Corporate donations are certainly necessary for charitable and public welfare organizations. But it also needs to be treated differently. Donations from tobacco companies cannot be accepted, let alone promoted.

The profit income of tobacco companies is based on sacrificing public health and environmental health, so the donations should be treated as "washing green" and "washing white".

Credit: Dalian CDC

Original article:

Translator: Richard

Checked by

Editor: Richard

Contact:; +8617319454776


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