Black Bear Protection Day: to Arouse Attention and Encourage More People to Take Active Actions | CBCGDF CCAfa

January 17th is the "Black Bear Protection Day" established by the China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF), aiming to raise people's awareness and attention to black bear protection, and encourage more people to take active actions. 

A few days ago, a black bear in Napeng Town, Guangxi province, died from electric shock while climbing a high-voltage electricity tower, so that people get to know Asian black bears in this sad way. The reason why this black bear climbed onto the high-voltage power tower is unknown, but it also shows that the protection of black bears has a long way to go. 

The estimated wild population of Asian black bears in China is 12000 to 18000, and it is a second-level national protected animal in China.


Despite China's proactive measures, Asian black bears still face numerous survival crises. Firstly, human activities continue to compress the living space of black bears, and their natural habitat is constantly decreasing, forcing them to come into contact with humans, increasing the risk of human-animal conflicts. Secondly, profit driven factors such as poaching and illegal trade such as bear skins have led to a sharp decline in their number. Finally, some practices of extracting bear bile for traditional medicine have also had a negative impact on black bears, increasing the uncertainty of their survival.


CBCGDF Black Bear Protection Group has always been fighting at the forefront of black bear protection, building a protected area system with the Xiaoxing'an Mountains as the core area. It has successively established the CBCGDF Black Bear Protection Area-Riyuexia, CBCGDF Black Bear Protection Area-Weidong, CBCGDF Black Bear Protection Area-Fenglin, CBCGDF Black Bear Protection Area- Yichun, and CBCGDF Black Bear Protection Area-Harbin, CBCGDF Black Bear Protection Area-Phoenix Mountain, etc., and the construction of the black bear protected area patrol network has basically been completed. 

At the same time, the Black Bear Protection Group of CBCGDF actively conducts scientific research on black bears, providing important scientific basis for better understanding and protecting black bears.


Translator: Sara

Checked by: Richard

Editor: Sara     

Contact:; +8617319454776




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