The Best Protection for Asian Black Bears: No Harm, No Approach, No Disturbance | CBCGDF CCAfa

Asian black bears have a gentle temperament and rarely take the initiative to attack humans. However, with the increasing bear bile market demand, some people, in order to pursuit profits, have begun to hunt black bears in large numbers. 

"Live bear bile extraction" requires making a permanent hole in the bear's gallbladder and belly, which is a cruel way to torment the black bear. In addition, human agricultural reclamation, deforestation, habitat fragmentation, etc., have caused them to lose most of their homes. Under the influence of multiple factors, the population and distribution range of black bears have shrunk sharply.


In China, Asian black bears are listed as a national second level key protected wild animal. In 2020, the China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) recommended upgrading black bears to national first level.


Since 2018, CBCGDF has established a series of black bear conservation areas, including CBCGDF Black Bear Protection Area-Riyuexia, CBCGDF Black Bear Protection Area-Weidong, CBCGDF Black Bear Protection Area-Fenglin, CBCGDF Black Bear Protection Area- Yichun, and CBCGDF Black Bear Protection Area-Harbin, CBCGDF Black Bear Protection Area-Phoenix Mountain, etc., mainly carrying out habitat patrols, removal of illegal fishing gear, protection publicity and other work, hoping to provide protection for the survival of black bears through these measures.


Original Chinese Article:

Translator: Sara

Checked by: LYJ

Editor: Sara     

Contact:; +8617319454776




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