Six Highlights of the New Charity Law | CBCGDF Legal Working Committee
Since the implementation of the current Charity Law in 2016, it has played an important role in protecting the rights and interests of charity participants and regulating related activities. At the same time, some new problems have emerged in the charity field, and there is an urgent need for a more complete legal system to protect charity.
This revision of the Charity Law adheres to a problem-oriented approach, actively responds to social concerns, and improves the emergency charity system, improves promotion measures, regulates charity events, and strengthens supervision and management:
1. A new chapter on emergency charity has been added, which provides corresponding regulations for emergency charity when major disasters, major public health events, etc. occur.
2. The regulations on public fundraising have been improved.
3. Further improve the regulations on charity trusts.
4. Added regulations to develop community charity and serve as promotional measures.
5. For the first time, personal help-seeking behavior and online platforms are included in the charity law, and the competent authorities are authorized to designate platforms and formulate relevant policies.
6. Progress in other areas. For example, for the first time, the “cost of fundraising” was clearly stated.
Decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on Amending the Charity Law of the People's Republic of China
Editor: LYJ
Check: Maggie
Original Link:
Contact:; +8617319454776
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