Zhou Jinfeng: " Triple Replanting of Mangroves”May Not be the Correct Solution

 Some engineering projects destroyed mangroves, resulting in the loss of traditional habitats. The local government has formulated a policy of "triple replanting mangroves", which sounds well-intentioned but lacks scientific basis.


The "Ocean and Wetland" WeChat official account released a report a few days ago "Coastal greening of Bangladesh: Why does large-scale mangrove expansion threaten the survival of migratory birds?”. It states the disadvantages of mangrove planting-bringing unexpected loss of habitat for migratory birds. While Bangladeshi forest officials are pleased with the expansion of mangroves, conservationists believe this mangrove expansion poses a threat to birds.


After the mangroves are destroyed, how much should be replanted? Where to replant? This is a very scientific issue related to biodiversity, and the relevant departments need to consider not making a one-size-fits-all approach.


The construction of canals and other projects has occupied and destroyed the habitat of mangroves. Then will replant mangroves three times in other places. This is currently a formal policy that is being implemented.


However, after the mangroves are destroyed, the place and methods of replanting mangroves need to be solicited by the experts. Implementing "triple replanting mangroves" without a scientific basis will be a threat to the ecosystem.


Currently, this “replanting” action is a common phenomenon. Many coastal areas are implementing this policy as “ecological compensation”.


While the policy is not one hundred per cent correct, it also can be a sound approach when the appropriate location and optimal total amount are taken into consideration.


Besides, coastal area are important habitats for migratory birds, and it deserves careful study and protection. The common view believes that mangroves are a better ecosystem, reflecting it in practical actions will despise or even ignore other ecosystems.


This is also a case reflecting the conflict between climate and biodiversity. Biodiversity conservation and scientific greening are the key prerequisites for solving the problem.

The currently common "planting one billion trees" plan in the world is also worthy of vigilance and reflection. Then we can make timely adjustments according to local conditions and plant trees scientifically.




Original Link: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/kxVJY5sSdfUCazXUhTKc9Q


Editor: LYJ

Checked by Sara


Contact: v10@cbcgdf.org; +8617319454776



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