BCON Initiative: Practical Steps for Biodiversity Harmony Planned for 2024-2026

In the coming three years, the Biodiversity Conservation in Our Neighborhood (BCON) Initiative plans to make a real impact on biodiversity conservation in our neighborhoods, within people's reach and capabilities. Simple, yet powerful measures are at the heart of their approach.

Firstly, BCON aims to expand its family of volunteers and set up more organizations and funds. The goal is clear – more hands and hearts working together for Biodiversity Conservation in Our Neighborhood. This isn't just about nature; it's about creating jobs for those who want to be part of something meaningful.

Looking beyond local efforts, BCON intends to bring biodiversity conservation to partners by implementing practical initiatives. People and private sectors (like honeybee producers and State Grid company). It's a down-to-earth move, integrating sustainability into our everyday production and manufacturings.

When it comes to bees, BCON isn't just buzzing around. The Chinese Honeybee Nest Fund is all about getting back to basics. Over the next three years, BCON plans to restore a large area of traditional Chinese honeybees' habitats, focusing on restoring native plant species. 

BCON doesn’t just stop at wildlife laws and regulations; it also plans to keep conversation going. They'll continue to suggest practical ideas from the conservation community to protect our wildlife. But it's not just about rules; it's about promoting a simpler, mroe eco-friendly lifestyle. BCON wants to share the message, especially with the younger generation, that small, everyday choices can make a big difference.

In essence, BCON is taking small, easy-to-do, and practical steps towards a greener, more harmonious future. It's not about grand gestures; it's about everyday actions that add up. The next three years aren’t about extravagance – they're about commitment, community, and a genuine effort to make our world a better place

Report by: Littlejane (CBCGDF-BCON)

Editor: Daisy

Contact: v10@cbcgdf.org; +8617319454776


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