2024 CBCGDF Proposal Meeting for the Two Sessions Welcomes Your Suggestions | CBCGDF Proposal Working Group for the Two Sessions (First Round Notification)

The China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) will hold the “2024 Proposal Meeting for the Two Sessions” on February 1, 2024.


The "Two Sessions" proposal work of CBCGDF has been started since 2016. For eight consecutive years, more than 300 proposals have been collected, and about 60 proposals have been submitted. Among them, a number of proposals have been highly valued, for example, the “Proposal on Strengthening the Protection of Intertidal Tidal Flat Wetlands” (Case No. 4198) has been commended as outstanding proposal.


In 2024, CBCGDF welcomes active suggestions from all sectors of society for promoting biodiversity conservation and green development. We also look forward to active cooperation and joint advancement with all interested units and institutions.


Suggestion submission:

Email: v35@cbcgdf.org

Tel: 010-88431370

Contact: Ms. Wang


In 2023, CBCGDF and Baidu collaborated to establish a special column display page for the "CBCGDF · Focus on the 2023 National Two Sessions". In 2024, CBCGDF will continue to expand its presentation channels, allowing your suggestions to be seen by more public, media, and NPC deputies.


Original article: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/AlPK4pWRus_qPcfoE1Jy_w

Translator: Sara

Checked by: Richard

Editor: Sara 

Contact: v10@cbcgdf.org; +8617319454776


Do you know? CBCGDF is a non-profit organization. We rely on crowd-funding and donations. You have the opportunity to help us to advance biodiversity conservation. Donate TODAY to power up the movement to make it a better world for all life.

Donation501C3Paypal: intl@wbag.org 




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