Oriental White Stork "2+1", Pingtian Lake Wetland Protection Achieved Significant Results | CBCGDF CCAfa & BCON

Recently, a surprising scene occurred in the Moon Lake Swan Conservation Area of the China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) in Pingtian Lake National Wetland Park, Chizhou City. Two Oriental white storks released nearly two months ago successfully attracted another Oriental white stork back in the area.


The migratory birds of Moon Lake are mainly small swans, swan geese, bean geese, white spoonbill, etc. The natural arrival of the Oriental white stork breaks a new record for bird monitoring in the wetland. 

Ms.YIN Li, Deputy Director of the Wetland Park Management Office of the Pingtian Lake Scenic Area Management Committee, said, "In order to ensure the safe habitat and warm wintering of the birds in the Pingtian Lake National Wetland Park, we will further increase monitoring efforts, strengthen inspection management and scientific education and reduce human interference."


Original article: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/NKYGODItwr5s1oKC19fXMQ

Translator: Sara

Checked by: Daisy

Editor: Sara 

Contact: v10@cbcgdf.org; +8617319454776


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