Prof. Sara Platto, Secretary General of the CBCGDF-BASE Received the "Knight of the Order of the Star of Italy"
Recently, Prof. Sara Platto, Secretary General of the Biological and Scientific Ethics Committee (BASE) of the China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF), received the "Knight of the Order of the Star of Italy".
Dr. Sara Prato is a professor at the School of Life Sciences of Jianghan University and the winner of the 2021 "Chinese Government Friendship Award". For many years, she has been committed to animal behavior research, wildlife rescue, animal protection science education, and improving animal welfare.
Her award-winning speech as follows:
Honored guests, ladies and gentlemen, thank you for joining me today to celebrate my conferral with the honor of "Knight of the Order of the Star of Italy".
This honor is given to individuals, whether Italians abroad or foreigners, who have promoted relations of friendship and collaboration between Italy and other countries. And it is on the same meaning of this honor, creating connections and bridges among cultures, that I will focus my speech.
As a researcher dedicated to studying animals, the language of the sciences it is the one that makes more sense to me. Therefore, for the analogy I am about to present to you, I have chosen the language of mathematics, specifically the Bridge Rectifier equation. Through this analogy, I am going to explore the importance of the process of translation and adaptation during cultural connections, and then emphasizing the responsibility we have to pass on this skill to the next generations.
In the field of electronics, the bridge rectifier typically consists of four diodes arranged in a bridge configuration where the current flows in one direction.
The Bridge Rectifier Equations is an elegant mathematical concept that transforms alternating current (AC) into a steady, direct current (DC), smoothing out undulating waves for a consistent energy flow. Similarly, when we consider to create cultural connections we need to become bridge rectifiers in order to transform currents of diversity into harmonious flows of understanding.
By breaking down the Bridge Rectifier equation, we find parallels between its terms and the dynamics of cultural exchange:
The Vin (Input Voltage) represents the raw and diverse AC, much like the raw diversity of cultural elements, traditions, and values that each country brings to the global stage. Like the alternating current in electronics, these cultural currents exhibit diversity.
The 2×VD (Voltage Drop) represents the losses associated to the conversion from AC to direct current (DC). In the analogy, this term represents the adaptation needed in cultural exchanges. It embodies the efforts and costs required to smooth out the cultural waves and facilitate seamless connections through adaptation, translation, and mutual understanding.
The Vout (Output Voltage) symbolizes the transformed electrical output from AC to DC. In the analogy, this represents the harmonious understanding we aim for — a refined output that results from the cultural exchange between nations. It represents the enriched knowledge that transcends borders.
Just as a Bridge Rectifier adapts electrical currents, we as humans must adapt and translate information between societies. This adaptation enhances understanding without diluting cultural richness, but balances the waves of diversity for a stable flow and deeper comprehension.
In our global society, as adults, we bear the responsibility of mentoring the younger generations to become the bridges of our future. Mathematics, biology, and technological achievements alone are insufficient without first educating our children to the understanding that each culture, like input voltage, brings a unique and valuable perspective to the global conversation. Similar to the 2×VD element in the equation that represents the drop in current voltage, the necessary adaptation for a continuous, smooth energy flow is a skill set we must pass on to our children —a skill involving translation, transformation, empathy, and navigation through the complexities of diverse cultural currents.
In conclusion, the Bridge Rectifier equation, with its elegance and simplicity of its elements, can well mirror cultural exchanges, and serves as a reminder that adaptation and translation are essential for a harmonious global society.
Reporter: Daisy
Checked by: Sara
Editor: Daisy
Contact:; +8617319454776
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