Zhou Jinfeng: Soil Is Closely Related to Us| ICG-18

 On December 5, 2023, the China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) and BGI co-organized ICG-18-II Soil: Cradle of Food & Mother of a Green World & 2023 IBCOP PC9 in Shenzhen. This conference brought together well-known soil experts and scholars at home and abroad, and 3,500 people participated in the conference online through “CBCGDF Media”.

Dr. Zhou Jinfeng, Secretary-General of the China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF), introduced that soil is closely related to us from the following aspects:


The Ecology Revitalization Fund (ERF) of CBCGDF was established on October 31, 2015, formerly known as the Enterpriser-Photographer Natural Foundation (EPNF). In 2017, EPNF joined CBCGDF and became a secondary special fund of CBCGDF.


ERF focuses on ecological revitalization, ecological poverty alleviation, agricultural pollution reduction, soil remediation, farmland protection, low-carbon countryside, carbon-negative agriculture and green development.


In November 2022, ERF participated as a preparer in the preparation of the group standard "Technical specification for agricultural soil carbon sequestration Part 1 One planting period" and "Implementation Rules" compiled by the CBCGDF Standards Committee. After completing the preparation, ERF, in conjunction with China Life, Tongchuan Agricultural Science Research Institute and other units, built experimental demonstration bases in Danjiangkou, Hubei Province and Tongchuan, Shaanxi Province for the purpose of using the above standards to measure soil carbon sequestration.


On May 11, 2023, with the strong support of the Danjiangkou Municipal Government and led by the ERF of CBCGDF, The first demonstration project based on the Technical specification for agricultural soil carbon sequestration Part 1 One planting period(T/CGDF 00035-2022) was launched in Danjiangkou. This project aimed at calculating farmland soil organic matter to enhance carbon sequestration and researching soil carbon sequestration methods.


On November 11, 2023, after nearly half a year of trial implementation, the CBCGDF expert team began field sampling and will further measure yield and soil quality. At the same time, the soil test results will be used to calculate the amount of carbon sequestration. Soil data and carbon sequestration are currently being calculated.


In 2020, the CBCGDF launched for the first time a public interest lawsuit against the use of electromagnetic trapping of earthworms to damage the ecological environment. CBCGDF, as a public welfare organization that has long been focusing on ecological and environmental development, has been committed to fighting against the illegal hunting of earthworms.


No. 1 central document for 20223 also clearly states that the illegal digging of black soil, electric trapping of earthworms and other soil-damaging behaviors are strictly prohibited.


In 2016, CBCGDF and Friends of Nature filed an environmental civil public interest lawsuit with the Changzhou Intermediate Peoples Court against the three former chemical companies on the site in question.


Back to 2015, the land involved in the case was originally the factory area of three chemical enterprises (Jiangsu Changlong Chemical Co., Ltd, Changzhou Changyu Chemical Co., Ltd and Jiangsu Huada Chemical Group Co., Ltd), after the relocation of the enterprises, the land was taken back and then later granted to real estate developers. However, when the local government commissioned relevant environmental protection enterprises to carry out environmental restoration, the restoration enterprises did not strictly follow the construction of the EIA report, resulting in the leakage of toxic gas from chemical waste.


In December 2018, the second instance of the "Changzhou Toxic Land Case" an environmental public interest litigation case that lasted for more than two years was pronounced at the Jiangsu Provincial High Court, and some of the claims filed by CBCGDF and Friends of Nature were supported. The court of the second instance held that the three chemical companies that caused the pollution should apologize to the public for their actions and pay legal fees and travel expenses to the two public welfare organizations.


In international environmental protection actions, CBCGDF actively participates in international organizations, international conventions, and initiatives. International organizations and initiatives related to soil include but are not limited to the 4 per 1000 Initiative, UNFCCC, UNCCD, ITPGRFA, CBD, and The Soil Solution, etc., CBCGDF is an observer of the above-mentioned conventions and a partner of the initiative. CBCGDF has always been actively committed to soil protection and works with the international community to protect the earth's ecological environment.


Original Chinese Article: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/ntVs6YUlvweUvYz8EyzmPg

Translator: Maggie

Editor: Maggie

Checked by: Yuejie     

Contact: v10@cbcgdf.org; +8617319454776


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