Dr. Zhou Jinfeng Speaks at The 3rd Economic and Social Forum on High-Quality Development and the First China Grassroots Social Governance Development Forum

 On December 29, 2023, Dr. Zhou Jinfeng, Secretary General of the China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF), is invited to participate in and address the Third High-Quality Development Forum and the 1st China Grassroots Social Governance Development Forum (第三届经济社会高质量发展论坛暨首届中国基层社会治理发展论坛)  held in Daye, Hubei Province of China.

The forum is jointly organized by the "Xiaokang" Magazine (a subsidiary of the China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation), the Research Center for Grassroots Social Governance at Tsinghua University's School of Social Sciences, and other institutions. The theme of the forum is "Advancing Chinese-style Modernization through High-Quality Development."


The forum, spanning dimensions such as rural revitalization, business environment, and the green transformation of economic development, provided a platform for experts and practitioners to exchange ideas and share insights. One of its primary objectives was to consolidate a collection of exemplary cases from counties nationwide, offering valuable experiences and sustainable models for high-quality development at the grassroots level. 

Dr. Zhou's presence at the forum underscored the importance of biodiversity conservation and green development in the broader context of economic and social advancement. He brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the discourse on sustainable development.

The discussions at the forum delved into the intricacies of rural revitalization, recognizing it as a pivotal aspect of achieving high-quality development. Participants shared innovative strategies and success stories, shedding light on approaches that have proven effective in promoting economic growth while preserving environmental integrity. Moreover, the forum addressed the critical issue of the business environment, acknowledging its role in shaping the economic landscape. Participants explored ways to enhance the business climate, fostering an atmosphere conducive to entrepreneurship and innovation. Through collaborative efforts, they sought to identify best practices that could be replicated in diverse regional contexts.

Reporter: Ahua

Editor: LYJ

Contact: v10@cbcgdf.org; +8617319454776 


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