CBCGDF BASE: To Incorporate "Biodiversity Indicators" and "Green Labels" into National Standard "General Principles for Green Product Evaluation" (Draft for Comments)


The National Environmental Management Standardization Technical Committee issued notice on October 18, 2023, soliciting opinions on the national standard "General Principles for Green Product Evaluation" (draft for comments), to further improve the content of the standard. The Biological and Scientific Ethics Working Committee (BASE) of the China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) actively responded to the call. After research and discussion, BASE submitted 5 suggestions for scientific decision-making reference. The following are suggestion 4 and 5. 

Suggestion four: it is recommended to add the requirement of "biodiversity indicators" in the section of "5.3 Evaluation Indicator Requirements". 

Suggestion 5: It is recommended that the green label” description of the product be added to the evaluation indicators of green products.


Original article: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/qM2M96JFF9i_ejS8oaJkeQ

Translator: Sara

Checked by: Richard

Editor: Sara 

Contact: v10@cbcgdf.org; +8617319454776


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