Lianyungang Lihong River Mouth Wetland Listed in China's First Batch of Vital Terrestrial Wildlife Habitats! Biodiversity Conservation in Our Neighborhood (BCON) Safeguards Nature

 On December 20, 2023, the National Forestry and Grassland Administration officially announced the first batch of vital terrestrial wildlife habitat list. Among the 14 selected areas in Jiangsu Province, Lianyungang's Haizhou Bay National Marine Park and Lihong River Mouth Provincial Wetland Park both made the cut. This announcement not only recognizes Lianyungang's wetlands as crucial natural habitats but also reflects the outcome of ongoing efforts by local CBCGDF volunteers, Community Conservation Areas, conservationists, and various stakeholders under the initiative of Biodiversity Conservation in Our Neighborhood (BCON).

Situated along the East Asian-Australasian Flyway (EAAF), Lianyungang boasts a unique geographical location. Lihong River Mouth Provincial Wetland Park, in particular, has earned its place among the first batch of vital terrestrial wildlife habitats. This wetland serves not only as a crucial stopover and breeding ground for migratory birds but also as a vibrant haven for diverse wildlife.


Local volunteers of China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF), along with people from the Community Conservation Areas (CCAfa), have been safeguarding this ecological homeland by patrolling, wildlife law popularisation, awareness promotion and anti-poaching. Congratulations for the new listing, which allows another way for legal protection status for the wetlands.


Despite the recent extreme cold weather, with temperatures plunging to -11°C, the Lihong River Mouth Wetland remains active. This ecological treasure trove attracts a plethora of wildlife with its abundant food resources and favorable habitats. Bird watchers have encountered large flocks of migrating geese, and the wetland's reeds against the backdrop of distant mountains seem to narrate a distant legend. Notably, it is also a habitat for nationally protected species such as the White Crane and the endangered Red-crested Pochard, adding to the dynamic energy of the wetland.


Over the years, the continuous and dedicated efforts of local residents, environmentalists, volunteers, and others from various sectors have contributed significantly. Through the Neighborhood Biodiversity Conservation (BCON) approach, they have played a pivotal role in safeguarding ecological civilization. The inclusion of Lianyungang Lihong River Mouth Provincial Wetland Park in the first batch of vital terrestrial wildlife habitats underscores the importance of further public engagement in biodiversity conservation. It signifies a call for more individuals to join the ranks of protecting our green landscapes and contributing to the preservation of our natural heritage.


Author: littlejane

Editor: Maggie 

Contact:; +8617319454776


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