The Special Volunteer Service Action for Bird Care in the Autumn and Winter of 2023 officially Launched in Chizhou, Anhui | CBCGDF BCON

Recently, China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation(CBCGDF) Biodiversity Conservation in Our Neighbourhood(BCON) Working Group received a work report from volunteers in the CBCGDF Moon Lake Little Swan Conservation Area. In their report, CBCGDF was informed that the Special Volunteer Service Action for Bird Care in the Autumn and Winter of 2023   had been officially launched On November 27, 2023in Chizhou, Anhui.

At the end of autumn and the beginning of winter, it is the time of year when migratory birds migrate south to overwinter. Chizhou City is an important stop for migratory birds migrating south. The arrival of tens of millions of migratory birds in Chizhou is not only the most beautiful footnote of Chizhous ecological superiority, but also an important test for all sectors of society to work together to protect the ecological environment.

On November 27, 2023, the launch ceremony of the Special Volunteer Service Action for Bird Care in the Autumn and Winter of 2023 was held at the State Grid Anhui Electric Power Wangshi Bird Care Workstation (i.e. CBCGDF Moon Lake Little Swan Conservation Area). Mr. HGang, deputy mayor of Chizhou City, presented the flag to the volunteer service team of the State Grid Anhui Electric Power Wangshi Bird Caring Workstation and announced the official launch of the event.

Original article:

Translator: Daisy

Checked by: Sara

Editor: Daisy

Contact:; +8617319454776


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