The Case of "Chopping Fresh Cabbage to Supplement Kitchen Waste and Meet Specified Standards" by CBCGDF-BASE

The incident of "Chopping Fresh Cabbage to Supplement Kitchen Waste" took place in November 2023 in Beijing, China, and gained widespread attention as a prominent food waste event. Properly sorting kitchen waste is a crucial aspect of overall waste recycling efforts. However, inadequate management of kitchen waste classification in some areas can lead to food wastage. In order to genuinely promote effective kitchen waste classification, CBCGDF-BASE, through publicity and dissemination by CBCGDF Media, addressed certain improper practices, sparking tangible progress in waste classification.

The China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation's Biology and Science Ethics Committee (CBCGDF-BASE) has long been dedicated to addressing food security and waste classification issues. During an investigation on October 31, 2023, a case was discovered where a community waste sorting station chopped fresh cabbage to supplement kitchen waste, treating fresh cabbage as kitchen waste. The video of this case was then published on the "China Biodiversity Conservation and Bioethics" public account on various platforms such as Bilibili, Douyin, and Weibo. This quickly garnered widespread attention and discussion from various sectors of society. Subsequently, multiple media outlets reported on the incident. With increasing societal attention and public opinion impact, on the evening of November 1, the local street promptly conducted an investigation and released a statement, stating that the involved company had been interviewed, ordered to conduct self-examination and rectification, and emphasized the serious handling of relevant personnel. A comprehensive inspection was initiated in all communities within the jurisdiction. This incident sparked extensive discussions, reflecting on the deviation from practical approaches in certain areas regarding waste classification and kitchen waste management to meet imposed standards, ultimately contributing to positive changes in implementing waste classification policies.

(from CBCGDF)

Dissemination Data: 

(1) The release by Green Association BASE on platforms such as Douyin and Bilibili received over 3 million views, prompting widespread discussions, reflections, and improvement ideas on waste classification. 

(2) Over 100 media outlets reported on the incident; the dissemination and click-through rates on public platforms exceeded 1 billion.

Significance of the Case: The "Chopping Fresh Cabbage to Supplement Kitchen Waste" case not only urged local communities to improve waste classification efforts but also initiated discussions on the practical effectiveness of promoting waste classification.

Notable Responses: Following the case, prominent media figures such as CCTV host Bai Yansong, commentator Hu Xijin, China National Radio (CNR), and Global Times published critics and comments, emphasizing the need for a pragmatic approach to kitchen waste classification while also considering the rationality of local criteria formulation.

(Mr. Hu Xijin Comments, from CBCGDF)

Translator: Wendy

Editor: LYJ

Contact:; +8617319454776



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