CBCGDF Legal Working Committee Proposes Nine Suggestions to the "Cultural Relics Protection Law (Revised Draft)"

The Legal Working Committee of China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) attaches great importance to the solicitation of opinions on the Cultural Relics Protection Law (Revised Draft) published recently. After careful study, nine revision suggestions have been proposed, and a letter has been sent to the Legal Working Committee of the National People's Congress.


1. Paragraph 1, Article 2, Chapter 1 “General Provisions”


Suggestion: To add immovable and movable cultural relics into the text.


2. Article 4, Chapter 1 “General Provisions”

Suggestion: To add the content of social public participation.


3. Article 7, Chapter 1 “General Provisions”

Suggestion: To change "agency, organization" to "unit".


4. Article 9, Chapter 1 “General Provisions”

Suggestion: To add one paragraph as the first one: Governments at all levels are responsible for the protection of cultural relics in their respective jurisdictions.


5. Paragraph 3, Article 9, Chapter 1 “General Provisions”

Suggestion: To add the content of organizing the evaluation of cultural relics protection and implement the regulations on cultural relics protection and safety management in accordance with the law


6. Paragraph 4, Article 21, Chapter 2 “Immovable Cultural Relics”

Suggestion: To add the content of the participation of social groups.


7. Paragraph 1, Article 39, Chapter 3 “Archaeological Excavation”

Suggestion: The cost of archaeology should be included in the national special funds.


8. Article 58, Chapter 5 “Folk Collection of Cultural Relics”

Suggestion: To delete the phrase "in accordance with the law" and replace "cultural relics store" with "cultural relics operating enterprise".


9. Article 91, Chapter 7 “Legal Liabilities”

Suggestion: "The People's Procuratorate" should be revised to "departments and relevant organizations stipulated by law".


Original Chinese Article: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/__HcCK5t9-GO-YfiDCAJYQ

Translator: Richard

Checked by:  Sara

Contact: v10@cbcgdf.org; +8617319454776


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