CBCGDF Recommended Full Biodiversity Assessment for Offshore Wind Power Projects in Jiangsu | Policy Advisory


To actively responded to the call of the Department of Natural Resources of Jiangsu's "Jiangsu Coastal Zone and Marine Spatial Planning (2021-2035)" (Draft for Comments), China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) put forward 7 suggestions in total for reference in its scientific decision-making. Here's the [Recommendation 6]

[Recommendation 6] It is recommended that offshore wind power projects should  conduct a comprehensive biodiversity assessment to ensure synergies between biodiversity conservation and clean energy projects.

[Reason] Offshore wind power as an important renewable clean energy, in the current global focus on climate change and the search for green development is highly favored today, the development of biodiversity-friendly renewable energy, balancing the protection of biodiversity and renewable energy development has become an important issue that can not be bypassed. Based on this, it is recommended that the "Jiangsu Coastal Zone and Marine Spatial Planning (2021-2035)" add relevant content in the draft for public comments: to ensure that the planning layout of offshore wind power to ensure that the "biodiversity" as an important ecological indicator is fully taken into account in the planning stage of offshore wind power projects need to be carried out comprehensively in the assessment of biodiversity, specifically including biodiversity habitat surveys. Specifically, it includes biodiversity habitat survey, specific species survey, wind power project potential impact survey and analysis, etc., in order to help policy makers, project parties and other wise, scientific decision-making and action, to ensure that biodiversity protection and clean energy actions synergistic, truly realize the harmonious coexistence of human beings and nature, as well as sustainable development.

(Please note that this article is based on machine translation and is for reference only.)

Editor: Samantha

Contact: V10@cbcgdf.org; +8617319454776


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