Controversies: Discussion on Confirmation of the Chinese Translation of “Ecosystem restoration” in New Synthesis Report by UNEP and FAO

 Recently, the synthesis report “Becoming #GenerationRestoration: ECOSYSTEM RESTORATION FOR PEOPLE, NATURE AND CLIMATE” released by UNEP and FAO on the occasion of the launch of the “United Nations Decade of Ecosystem Restoration” in 2021 and has received positive responses from all sectors of society. To better promote ecosystem restoration work, researchers and volunteers translated the document into Chinese.


(The cover of the synthesis report in Chinese, from UNEP, FAO)

In the title of the document, the word “restoration” in this document was translated as “修复” in Chinese. In the main body of the report, the word “restoration” is mostly translated into“恢复”, but some are using “修复” , which means “repairation” in a more appropriate way. These two words are not exactly the same in Chinese, and makes researchers and volunteer translators get confused.

Broadly speaking, in Chinese, “Ecological Repairation” means the artificial repairs to damaged or destroyed ecosystems, emphasis on intervention by human beings. However, “Ecological Restoration” emphasis natural based solution to solve the damaged or destroyed ecosystem, and make the ecosystem recover to a relatively “healthy” condition. 

Overall, the word “repairation” emphasis on human intervention and improvement in the restoration process, while "restoration" places greater emphasis on natural processes and the ability of systems to self-regulate. 

Under the concept of ecological civilization, the ecological management of both ecosystems and wildlife habitats should be based on natural solution rather than artificial "repairation".

Therefore, there are appeals suggests to use “恢复” instead of “修复”. Suggests Becoming #GenerationRestoration translated as “开启世代恢复”, Becoming #GenerationRestoration: ECOSYSTEM RESTORATION FOR PEOPLE, NATURE AND CLIMATE translated as“恢复生态系统,造福人类、自然和气候”。

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Editor: LYJ

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