To Pay More Attention on the Role of Benthic Species | CBCGDF Climate Change WG

The Climate Change Working Group of China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) has proposed suggestions to the Department of Ecology and Environment of Anhui Province on the work plan about adapting to climate change, emphasizing the control of plastic pollution, proposing to include benthic species in aquatic ecological surveys and conservation efforts.

Benthic species is of paramount importance for adapting to climate change. Benthic species, which reside at the bottom of bodies of water, play a crucial role in maintaining the balance of aquatic ecosystems. As climate change alters water temperatures and patterns, these species serve as indicators of ecological health and help assess the impacts of climate change on aquatic systems. Their inclusion allows for comprehensive monitoring, identification of vulnerable habitats, and the development of targeted conservation measures. Understanding and safeguarding benthic species can contribute to the resilience of aquatic ecosystems and support sustainable management practices amidst changing climatic conditions.


Editor: Richard

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