Meet Us at the China National Computer Congress 2023 (CNCC 2023), 26–28 October 2023, Shenyang, China | Standards Working Committee of CBCGDF

The China National Computer Congress 2023 (CNCC 2023) is taking place from 26 to 28 October 2023 in Shenyang, China, themed on "developing digital infrastructure to support the construction of a digital China". The congress will explore the latest progress in computer science, artificial intelligence, big data drive, cloud database, quantum computer, and other related research topics.

The three-day conference brought together Turing Award winners, academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, top international scholars, and well-known entrepreneurs to discuss cutting-edge trends and share innovations. The conference will deliver a total of 19 invitation reports, organize 3 forums, 130 technical forums, and hold a variety of activities and exhibition displays. The offline attendees are expected to reach a scale of 10000 people.

The Standards Working Committee of the China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) was invited to participate in this conference, and will promote exchanges and mutual learning among biodiversity disciplines in different fields. At the same time, during the exhibition, The Standards Working Committee of CBCGDF will further share the concept of green conferences, encourage the public to reduce carbon footprint, protect biodiversity and achieve climate friendliness, and contribute to building a harmonious community of life.

Original Chinese Article:

Translator: Sara

Checked by:Daisy

Editor: Sara     

Contact:; +8617319454776


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