CBCGDF-BCON: Encouraging "Biodiversity Conservation in Our Neighborhood" to Mobilize Public Participation in Ecological Environmental Protection | Policy Advice
Recently, the Department of Ecology and Environment of Jiangsu Province issued a notice of public consultation on "Measures for Public Participation in Ecological Environmental Protection in Jiangsu Province (Draft for Consultation)", which is aimed at widely soliciting opinions and suggestions from the society. The BCON Working Group of the China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) responded positively to the call and put forward the following suggestions for decision-making.
Recommendation 2: Add "Biodiversity Conservation in Our Neighborhood (BCON)" to the second article.
BCON is an effective way for the public to participate in ecological environmental protection because it encourages active participation and cooperation between community residents and neighboring communities to protect and maintain local biodiversity.
Biodiversity Conservation in Our Neighborhood (BCON), proposed by CBCGDF, is an innovative biodiversity conservation program that encourages people to conserve biodiversity in their daily lives and production activities. BCON breaks with the traditional notion that biodiversity conservation can only take place in protected areas, and promotes the conservation and appreciation of natural beauty wherever the human footprint can be reached. one of the strengths of BCON is that anyone can take action - everyone can make a difference and contribute to the conservation of biodiversity. BCON emphasizes the importance of nature conservation in people's daily lives and promotes harmonious coexistence between humans and nature. As an innovative program for biodiversity conservation, BCON balances ecological protection and economic development, and promotes sustainable economic and social development.
Recently, BCON has been successfully selected as one of the Top 50 Global Governance Solutions as one of its Top 7 solutions in the field of biodiversity, which will be presented at the Paris Peace Forum 2023.
(Stay tuned for more recommendations in the series to follow.)
Previous related articles:
What's Biodiversity Conservation in Our Neighborhood (BCON)?
Contact: V10@cbcgdf.org; +8617319454776
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