Three Reports Explains What "Peoples vs. Plastics" Means | ZHOU Talks about Ecological Civilization (Lecture 261)

Recently, Dr. ZHOU Jinfeng, Secretary-General of the China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) further explained the initiative and concept of "Peoples vs. Plastics" in detail.

The theme of World Earth Day 2024 is "Planet vs. Plastics". What should this theme  be practiced? CBCGDF Pick-up and Reduce Plastic Working Group launched the "Peoples vs. Plastics" project to take it in action. So far, the "Peoples vs. Plastics" campaign has carried out five activities, with people picking up plastic waste on river banks and beaches. But this form of picking up garbage is different now from what it used to be. After each activity we complete, we will issue three reports.

The first report is called the "Brand Report". For example, the first collection activity of "Peoples vs. Plastics" was held in Jinan, Shandong Province. Our volunteers classified the brands of plastic waste and found that "Taishan" brand cigarette waste had the largest amount, ranking first on the list of brands picked up. We created a brand chart based on this and published a report. This is of great significance and helps to urge brand companies to more actively fulfill their social responsibilities, actively participate in garbage pickup, and make corporate contributions to reducing plastic waste pollution.

The second report is called the "Category Report". During the pick-up operation, the types of plastic waste are classified to see whether there are more plastic fishing nets, more cigarette butts, more plastic packaging for takeaways, or more mineral water bottles, etc.. Each activity is classified and counted, this report is of great significance to the world, also a very instructive report.

The third report is the "Behavioral Report". The number of people participating in each event includes the curve of age and occupation, as well as the curve of the amount of garbage picked up by personnel, etc. ‍‍We were in the Yellow River section of Jinan, Shandong, how much weight of rubbish we picked up in half a day of rubbish picking work; in Liuba, Shaanxi, how much rubbish were picked up by the same number of people at the same time... These statistics are accumulated, then you can know where there is more plastic waste and which type of waste is more.

These three "Peoples vs. Plastics" project reports will help urge brands and industries to pay more attention to the plastic waste issue in their products, and also encourage them to actively participate in this issue. In this work, we pay attention to reducing and mitigating the damage and impact on the environment during the production process. At the same time, it can also help local governments better understand the situation of plastic waste, pay attention to this problem, and promote solutions.

These reports are written as papers, which I think, many people are willing to read.


Original article:

Translator: Daisy

Checked by: Sara

Editor: Daisy

Contact:; +8617319454776



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