CBCGDF Recommends an Explicit Ban on Industrially Produced Trans Fats in the National Food Safety Standard for Modulated Milk

Recently, the China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) One Health Working Committee learned that on September 12, 2023, the National Health Commission issued the "National Food Safety Standard for Modulated Milk" (Draft for Comment) (GB25191- XXXX). All relevant units are required to submit feedback online before December 15, 2023. This standard once solicited opinions on August 31, 2020, and this is the second time for it to solicit opinions. Compared with the previous standard, the new version standard has made modifications in the scope of application, terms and definitions, raw material requirements, sensory requirements, physical, chemical and microbial requirements, labeling requirements, etc.

CBCGDF One Health Working Committee attaches great importance to it, studies it carefully, and puts forward one suggestion.

It is recommended that industrially produced trans fats (acids) be included in the mandatory labeling content, and it should be clearly stipulated that industrially produced trans fats (acids) should be removed from the list of raw and auxiliary ingredients for modulated milk.


1. Industrially produced trans fats are produced by the industrial production process of hydrogenating vegetable oils to turn liquids into solids to form "partially hydrogenated" oils. The synthetic compound can be found in cakes, biscuits, packaged foods, cooking oils and spreads and has been linked to an increased risk of heart attack and death from heart disease. Eliminating trans fats from the global food supply could prevent heart attacks, thereby saving lives and reducing health care burdens. (Source: World Health Organization)

2. The World Health Organization (WHO) has proposed the global goal of “eliminating industrially produced trans fat by 2023.” As the 2023 is about to end, countries around the world need to accelerate action to protect public health. (Reference: World Health Organization, Draft Thirteenth General Program of Work 2019-2023 https://apps.who.int/gb/ebwha/pdf_files/WHA71/A71_4-ch.pdf)

Reportor: Daisy

Checked by: Sara

Editor: Daisy

Contact: v10@cbcgdf.org; +8617319454776


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