We're still facing a drastically decreasing biodiversity! | ZHOU talks about Ecological Civilization
[The content of this article is compiled from the speech of Dr. ZHOU Jinfeng, Secretary General of the China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF), at the “Seminar on Ecological Environmental Damage Assessment and High-quality Development Theory and Technology in Northeast China”. As one of its series of the manuscripts compiled from his speech, it has been included in "ZHOU Talks about Ecological Civilization".]
Prior to CBD COP15 held in Kunming, Yunnan in October, 2021, a scientific assessment has been made on the "Aichi targets" set 10 years ago in CBD COP10, with an astonishing report that we're facing a drastically decreasing biodiversity! And that's the facts and challenges today facing us in biodiversity conservation.
As we all know, biodiversity is comprised of genetic diversity, species diversity, and ecosystem diversity, including mountains, forests, fields, rivers & lakes, grass, sand, and ice; and all environmental problems that are human-centered or caused by humans.
China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) has made biodiversity conservation as its first and top priority since its foundation in 1985. CBCGDF has long been practicing “Biodiversity Conservation in Our Neighborhood (BCON)” to promote biodiversity mainstreaming and people's participation in biodiversity conservation around their communities. And around 200 Community Conservation Areas (CCAfas) have been established across the country with“Human-based Solutions” (HbS), an internationally unprecedented idea featuring bottom-up approach through ALL people's participation in nature & biodiversity conservation for a shared life community.
Just before the CBD COP15, CBCGDF proposed to make "ecological civilization" as its theme, and happily, our opinion was taken into account. We did this with the starting point of clarifying that biodiversity conservation is not only the business of professionals, but also the business of all of us. Each of us has the responsibility to contribute to the construction of ecological civilization, towards a shared future for all life on Earth.
Now, we're facing the Sixth Mass Extinction, and it is like a human train that is running at a high speed, with a cliff in front, while the train has not slowed down or stopped, but continues to speed up and rush towards the cliff. That's terrible, right? While that is the reality we have to face today.
There are more grim data related to biodiversity, including human food security, and climate change. The current situation does not allow us to continue to ignore or destroy biodiversity as before. We need to face up to the series of biodiversity-related difficulties and take immediate actions before it is too late. It's not only about biodiversity, it's more about the survival of ourselves.
Original Chinese Article:
v10@cbcgdf.org; +8617319454776
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