Nature Does Not Need to be Governed | ZHOU Talks about Ecological Civilization

Recently, Dr. Zhou Jinfeng, Secretary General of China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF), combined the respect for the natural state and scientific management of “water” , and the contrast between “Ecological Restoration" and “Ecological Remediation”, to make guidance on how to explain and clarify biodiversity science.

Nowadays, many textbooks related to environmental engineering are about how to use chemical methods to treat water, soil and slag. Such textbooks and education and training are basically set from the development of industrial civilization. In the era of ecological civilization, it is inappropriate to continue this kind of educational thinking. The “three axioms of environmental governance” and the “four principles of ecological restoration” should be incorporated into it. Because nature does not need to be governed. What needs to be governed is the destruction of nature!

Dr. Zhou said: “We should not change nature, we should change the destruction of nature by man. Governance itself has a huge ecological cost, so every drop of water we use, every hour of electricity, is full of ecological costs. It is unscientific that we use hidden ecological costs to change nature.” 

Scientists have concluded that the remediation of some wetlands has a damaging effect on biodiversity. Even many years later, the biodiversity of remedied wetlands does not return to the state of natural wetlands. For example, in some places, pine wood nematode disease is controlled by flying control, and excessive control has led to a sharp decrease in local insect diversity.

Figures show that insect populations in one area of Germany have generally declined by 75% over the past 27 years. This rate of biodiversity loss is unprecedented and shocking. We must grasp this degree while preventing pests, and the negative impact of large-scale pest control in cities on biodiversity is very large. The loss of insect biodiversity is part of a broader ecosystem collapse. If large amounts of spraying in cities result in the loss of large numbers of insects, this in turn leads to an increase in pesticide levels in soil and water. This series of chain reactions for the survival of the entire human race, sooner or later will sound the alarm.

We should respect biodiversity science. We should making decisions from the standpoint and perspective of biodiversity conservation.

Original Chinese Article:

Translator: YJ

Checked by: Maggie     

Contact:; +8617319454776


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