CBCGDF Has Registrated the Side-Event of the Twenty-Fifth Meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA 25)
China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) is an observer of the Convention on Biological Diversity. CBCGDF actively participates in various activities held by CBD.
The details of the registration of the side event:
Title: Strengthening the Monitoring Framework for the GBF
Subject: The Monitoring Framework of the GBF
Goals and Targets: All, especially Goals A and B
One key difference between the GBF and its successor the Aichi targets is the development of a monitoring framework to track progress towards targets and to enable targeted action as appropriate. However, despite this many of the targets lack any headline indicator, and for others, the indicator fails to have the necessary temporal accuracy to allow tracking towards the associated target. In this side-event we will discuss the indicators associated with various targets, highlight current gaps and weaknesses, and highlight how indicators could be tailored, or complementary and contingent indicators may be more appropriate to provide the necessary data. In many cases, suboptimal indicators may have been selected as a consequence of a lack of understanding by some parties, and concern on their capacity to measure such indicators. Therefore in addition to discussing how to use indicators more effectively, we also discuss how we might better align these with other efforts, and integrate them into NBSAPs to ensure that we can obtain the necessary data to track progress towards the targets. The session will then end with a panel discussion to allow further discussion from the floor on how we might best use the monitoring framework, and where we might make targeted improvements.
Translator: Maggie
Editor: Maggie
Checked by: YJ
Contact: v10@cbcgdf.org; +8617319454776
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