"Blue Eyes in Action": Dr. ZHOU Jinfeng Emphasizes the Urgency of Marine Biodiversity Conservation and the Responsibility of the Young Generation
On August 9, 2023, on the "Blue Eyes in Action" public welfare and environmental protection event held in Zhoushan City, Zhejiang, Dr. ZHOU Jinfeng, the Secretary General of the China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) delivered an opening speech, in which he emphasized the importance of marine biodiversity conservation arousing the participants' deep thinking.
Dr. Zhou pointed out that the ocean is one of the most extensive ecosystems on earth, not only breeding various precious mineral resources and biological resources, but also maintaining the stability of the global climate. However, in recent years, human activities have caused many potential impacts on the marine ecological environment, marine biodiversity has been threatened unprecedentedly, and effective protection measures are urgently needed for many rare species. He emphasized that the protection of marine biodiversity is imminent and requires the joint efforts of the whole society.
Dr. Zhou Jinfeng paid special attention to the youth group, and he called on the young generation to cultivate the spirit of loving nature and scientific exploration from an early age. He believes that young generation are the future ecological guardians, and only when they have the correct awareness of environmental protection and scientific literacy can they better protect marine biodiversity in the future. He encouraged the young generation to participate in practical environmental protection actions, and experience the beauty and fragility of the ocean through personal experience, so as to have a deeper understanding of the importance of biodiversity.
The entire opening speech was full of affection for marine ecology and hope for the future. Dr. Zhou Jinfeng's speech not only reminded people of the urgency of marine biodiversity conservation, but also aroused everyone's sense of responsibility to actively participate in environmental protection actions. The "Blue Eyes in Action" event was jointly initiated by Beijing Pioneer High-Tech Development Co., Ltd., the contractor of the international seabed polymetallic nodule mining area, the Natural Resources Newspaper, and the Second Institute of Oceanography of the Ministry of Natural Resources. The theme of the event is "Understanding Deep Sea Ecosystems".
Original Chinese Article: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/CZC9SoVkmEQyYw3sWySoDg
Translator: Sara
Checked by: Daisy
Editor: Sara
Contact: v10@cbcgdf.org; +8617319454776
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