CBCGDF Asian Black Bear Protection Team Visited People Injured by Black Bears
Recently, the Asian Black Bear Protection Team of China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) went into the Yichun mountain area to investigate and survey the issue of human-animal conflict.
Yichun Mountain area is the habitat of Asian Black Bears. However, due to the continuous expansion of human activities, the black bear population and habitat are under serious threat. Clashes between humans and animals have occurred, and the object of this visit was a local farmer who was scratched by a black bear last year.
The injured people told the process of how they met the black bear when they went into the mountains to work, how they were attacked by the black bear, and how they escaped.
While paying full attention to the protection of black bears, we should also pay attention to the impact of black bears on the production and life of local residents. To avoid human-animal conflict, it is necessary to further enhance the support of local people for black bear protection.
This visit provided valuable experience and inspiration for the protection of black bears.
Original Chinese Article:
Checked by Maggie
Contact: v10@cbcgdf.org; +8617319454776
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