CBCGDF Was Invited to Attend INC-3 for A UN Treaty to End Plastic Pollution in Nairobi, November 2023

With the increase of global population and consumption, the use of plastic products has increased rapidly, resulting in a large number of plastic wastes. These plastic wastes eventually enter the soil, rivers and oceans, posing a serious threat to the global environment and ecosystem. Plastic pollution has become a global environmental challenge. At the Fifth United Nations Environment Assembly, heads of state, environment ministers and other representatives from 175 countries signed a resolution to establish an intergovernmental negotiating committee and reach an internationally legally binding instrument by 2024.

On July 31, 2023, China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) received an invitation letter from the secretariat of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee to develop an international legally binding instrument on plastic pollution, including in the marine environment (INC), to attend the third session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC-3).

INC-3 is scheduled to take place from 13 to 19 November 2023, at the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Headquarters in Nairobi, Kenya. It will be preceded by regional consultations on 12 November 2023. As decided by the Committee at its second session, a preparatory one-day meeting will take place on 11 November 2023, at the same venue.

CBCGDF looks forward to attending the INC-3 in Nairobi. This meeting will be an important step to formulate an international legal framework to solve the problem of plastic pollution, and it is of great significance to promote the protection and green development of the global ecological environment. Therefore, CBCGDF will make full preparations, form a delegation to attend the meeting in person, actively participate in the global plastic pollution control, and make our own contribution to protecting the Earth for all.

Original Chinese Article:


Translator: Irene

Checked by Maggie

Editor: Irene

Contact: v10@cbcgdf.org; +8617319454776


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