The First Day’s Report of IPBES 10 from the Delegation of CBCGDF
The China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) is an observer of IPBES and has long been committed to the actions of ecological environment and biodiversity protection. The delegation of CBCGDF Has Participated in the Stakeholder Day of IPBES 10 on August 27, 2023. And the delegation will attend 10th Session of the IPBES Plenary.
The tenth session of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES 10) opened on Monday, 28 August, in Bonn, Germany. In plenary, delegates heard opening statements, reports on progress, and introductory remarks on all items on the meeting’s agenda. Plenary decided to convene two Working Groups (WG), with WG 1 addressing the assessment report on invasive alien species (IAS) and WG 2 addressing all other agenda items, with the exception of the budget, taken up by a contact group. WG 1 began its deliberations in the afternoon.
IPBES 10 opened with a youth choir’s performance. Participants watched a video highlighting the contributions of IPBES to science and policymaking worldwide.
IPBES Chair Ana María Hernández Salgar opened the session. Anne Larigauderie, IPBES Executive Secretary, highlighted the adoption of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF), drawing attention to new requests for IPBES assessments to support the GBF’s implementation. She underscored that IPBES received the 2022 Gulbenkian Prize for Humanity, together with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
Kyle Whyte, US Science Envoy for Indigenous and Local Knowledge, focused on how policies and institutions, including IPBES, can empower tribal nations and Indigenous Peoples and local communities (IPLCs) worldwide. He stressed that IPLCs must be in the position to “institute their knowledge systems,” which goes beyond merely consulting or including Indigenous knowledge holders in environmental assessments.
IPBES Chair Hernández delineated priorities for IPBES 10, especially approving the Summary for Policymakers (SPM) of the IAS report, deciding on the topics to be added to the rolling work programme up to 2030, and revising the structure and terms of reference of the IPBES task forces. She highlighted the importance of sustained financial contributions to support IPBES’ work.
Editor: Maggie
Checked by: YJ
Contact:; +8617319454776
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