Call for Experts | ISA Workshop on the Development of a Regional Environmental Management Plan for the Area of the Northwest Pacific
The International Seabed Authority (ISA) will organize a workshop on the development of a regional environmental management plan (REMP) for the Area of the Northwest Pacific in Tokyo, Japan, from 19 to 23 February 2024, and is calling for experts to participate and submit scientific information.
The workshop aims to:
- review and synthesize newly available scientific data and information related to the biological, oceanographical and geological aspects of the marine environment in the Northwest Pacific Ocean;
- validate and refine the design of potential area-based management tools (ABMTs) identified in the previous online workshop,[1] and review and further improve the scientific rationale for the identification of such potential ABMTs based on agreed scientific criteria;
- drawing on the results from the quantitative modeling of cumulative impacts from the previous online workshop,[2] determine ecosystem components, which may be at a high risk from future potential exploitation activities and cumulative impacts, and on this basis, appropriate management approaches for addressing such impacts, including non-spatial measures;
- discuss priorities for future, regional-scale monitoring and research.
The results of this workshop will contribute to the future development of the REMP for this region and will inform the Legal and Technical Commission in its development of a REMP for this region. Members of ISA, particularly sponsoring States, ISA contractors, international and regional organizations, projects/programmes and initiatives, and academic institutions/scientific groups, are invited to nominate experts to participate in the workshop.
For full nomination and selection criteria details, please visit:
Please send Nominations no later than Sep 15,2023, via e-mail
The list of participants will be posted on the workshop webpage by Oct 15, 2023.
Submission of scientific information should be no later than Oct 15, 2023, via e-mail to
Original Chinese Article:
Translator: Sara
Checked by: Daisy
Editor: Sara
Contact:; +8617319454776
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