Illegal Fishing Nets in Waters Increased, the Protection of Fishery Resources Needs to Strengthen Law Enforcement and Supervision | CBCGDF Volunteers Patrolling in Suihua, Heilongjiang Province

On August 18, 2024, volunteers from the Suihua Wetland Conservation Area of ​​the China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF), together with volunteers from the Anti-Electric Fishing Alliance, supervisors from the Beilin District of Suihua City, and volunteers from other social organizations, jointly patrolled the rivers around the Satellite Bridge in Wangkui County in the Hulan River Basin.



According to volunteers, with the recent rise in river water levels, the number of illegal nets in the river has increased. This time, they have patrolled about 10 kilometers, and a total of 24 ground cage nets and 4 gown nets were cleared, and more than 100 kilograms of fish were successfully rescued and released.


Although the fishing ban season has ended, the findings of this patrol have sounded the alarm for the protection of aquatic ecological environment in Suihua City. Volunteers said that they urgently hope that relevant departments in Suihua City will take immediate action to increase supervision and punishment of illegal fishing, conduct in-depth investigations into the sales and use chains of illegal nets, and curb illegal fishing at the source. In addition, we should strengthen publicity and education, enhance the public's awareness of environmental protection, and encourage all sectors of society to participate in water ecological protection.


Original Chinese Article:

Translator: Sara

Checked by: Daisy

Editor: Sara    

Contact:; +8617319454776


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