Fossil Energy vs. Biomass Energy: How Far is it from 3R to 4R?

On August 20, 2024, Dr. ZHOU Jinfeng, Vice Chairman and Secretary-General of the China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) went to Anhui BBCA Group Company for investigation. This is also a field exchange activity for cutting-edge and low-carbon innovative technologies in the field of carbon neutral industry since CBCGDF took the lead in initiating the "Carbon Neutral Industry Development Innovation Committee (CNC)" on August 2,2024.


BBCA Group is a national high-tech enterprise, a large-scale technology company mainly engaged in the research and development of biochemical, biomedicine, biomaterials, and bioenergy.


"3R", namely reduce, reuse and recycle, has been widely recognized by the international community. Dr. ZHOU Jinfeng, vice chairman and secretary general of CBCGDF, proposed “replace”.


In the era of industrial civilization, the rapid development of social economy has made people's material life extremely rich. However, these achievements are highly dependent on fossil energy. Biomass energy, also known as green energy, refers to energy obtained from biomass. “Replace” means that with the development of science and technology, people have more possibilities for the application of biomass energy, for example, bio-based materials.


Biomass materials are renewable, extremely polluting, cheap, easy to obtain, store and transport. However, it is currently facing some restrictive factors, such as: the need to coordinate with grain and livestock for feed; as a cutting-edge technology, in the production and processing links, there is still a lack of technology and production standards; related biological and scientific ethics, as well as policy support and supporting issues, etc. Expanding the scope a little bit, we also need to pay close attention to the issue of how to protect biodiversity, because people's breakthroughs and innovations in biomass energy depend on the existence and development of the earth's biological organisms.


Original Chinese Article:

Translator: Sara

Checked by: Richard

Editor: Sara    

Contact:; +8617319454776


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