Occurrence Data of Velarifictorus micado in Haidian, Beijing Released on Global Biodiversity Information Facility | CBCGDF GBIF Working Group


Recently, the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) has published a citizen science observation data for the 中华斗蟋 (Velarifictorus micado), from Beijing's Haidian District. This data was reported by Linda Wong to the GBIF WG at the China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation. Special thanks are due to expert Wu Liye for her long support in species identification.

It is one of the most familiar chirping insects on summer nights. Its clear and pleasant chirping sound often accompanies us through the hot summer. This small insect, because of its combative habits, has been a favourite since ancient times and has become a traditional form of entertainment.

Their dark brown bodies, broad rounded heads and rounded, full faces make them unique among many insects. In order to hide from predators and adapt to their environment, Velarifictorus micado will dig burrows or use readily available crevices as their dwellings.

Velarifictorus micado is an omnivorous insect that feeds mainly on plant stems, leaves, seeds and roots, and sometimes on small insects.The reproductive process of Velarifictorus micado is a marvellous and complex life cycle. From courtship and mating to egg-laying and hatching, each step of the process demonstrates the subtleties of nature.

The GBIF is an international bioinformatics network and global biodiversity data infrastructure that aims to make data on all forms of life on Earth freely accessible to anyone, anywhere. The China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation is the second official GBIF data publisher in China. Since joining GBIF in 2018, the GBIF team at the Foundation has been dedicated to serving researchers, citizen scientists, and conservationists, contributing data from nationwide Chinese societies to the field of biodiversity informatics.

(Note: The article is a record of daily work and is for reference only.)

Written by: Samantha  

Contact: v10@cbcgdf.org; +8617319454776


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