CBCGDF Black Bear Conservation Area in Lindian, Heilongjiang Province (CCAfa222) Established | Building a Harmonious Ecology

Recently, the China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) established a new Conservation Area for Black Bears in Lindian, Heilongjiang Province, aiming to create a safer and more harmonious living environment for black bears through scientific and effective means.


Lindian is located in the central and western part of Heilongjiang Province and the northern part of the Songnen Plain. It is the natural home of black bears. However, with the reduction of suitable habitat area, frequent intrusion of human activities, excessive collection of food resources and the impact of illegal hunting, the habitat of black bears has been constantly divided, the genetic exchanges between small populations are hindered, and their survival and adaptability are facing severe tests.


In response to the multiple threats black bears are facing, CBCGDF Black Bear Conservation Area in Lindian has adopted the following targeted addressing strategies:


1. Habitat protection and optimization


The conservation area will focus on protecting and optimizing the existing habitats suitable for the survival of black bears, and ensure that black bears have sufficient habitat space and abundant food resources through reasonable planning and management.


2. Human activity management


To strengthen the supervision of human activities in and around the conservation area to reduce interference with the black bear habitat. At the same time, to actively communicate and cooperate with local residents to guide them to reasonably collect forest by-products to ensure the sustainable use of black bear food resources.


3. Anti-illegal hunting action


To join hands with local law enforcement agencies to increase the crackdown on illegal hunting, resolutely curb illegal armed capture, hunting with dogs and other illegal acts, and create a safe living environment for black bears.


4. Regular patrols


To conduct at least 2 patrols per month to monitor black bear activities and identify potential threats; at the same time, to carry out at least 2 publicity activities per month to widely popularize black bear protection knowledge and encourage the attention and support of all sectors of society for wildlife protection.


Original Chinese Article: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/nFi9lUcJvSfT5qVUtottMw

Translator: Sara

Checked by: Richard

Editor: Sara    

Contact: v10@cbcgdf.org; +8617319454776


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