Wind force 17! Hainan fruit farmers face Typhoon "Mogo"!

 On September 6, 2024, the super typhoon "Mogo" headed straight for Hainan Island, posing a huge threat to local agricultural production. Faced with the menacing natural disaster, Hainan fruit farmers have taken quick action and launched a "fight" with nature.


This time, the super typhoon "Mogo" is about to land with great power. According to the latest forecast of the Central Meteorological Observatory, Typhoon "Mogo" will land in the coastal area from Qionghai, Hainan to Zhanjiang, Guangdong in the afternoon and evening of September 6, and its intensity at the time of landing will reach level 17 or above, which is the level of "super typhoon". This typhoon is coming with great force and will have a serious impact on coastal areas, so we need to strengthen prevention.


Banana (Musa spp.), one of the important cash crops on Hainan Island, was the first to be hit by the typhoon. As we know, banana leaves are large and easily broken in strong winds, which not only affects the yield of bananas, but also has a serious impact on the livelihood of fruit farmers. Therefore, in order to minimize the losses, Hainan fruit farmers have taken an emergency measure - cutting off the banana leaves.


Cutting off the banana leaves may seem simple, but it actually contains profound scientific principles. We have all learned physics, so it is not difficult to understand that the banana leaves are like a huge sail, which will produce huge wind resistance in strong winds and easily uproot the banana tree. Therefore, after cutting off the banana leaves, the force-bearing area of the banana tree is greatly reduced, and the wind resistance is reduced accordingly, thereby improving the banana tree's ability to resist wind.


Therefore, on the eve of the typhoon, banana planting bases across Hainan set off a wave of "cutting banana leaves". Fruit farmers braved the scorching heat, wielded sickles, and raced against time to cut banana leaves. Although the work was very hard, they all understood that only in this way could they protect banana trees to the greatest extent and reduce economic losses.


Original Chinese Article:

Translator: Maggie

Editor: Maggie

Checked by: Richard     

Contact:; +8617319454776


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