Nearly 1 Billion! A "flying insect rain" Appeared on Yuanshui Bridge in Hunan Province. A Precursor to an Earthquake or a Mating Flight Phenomenon?

Recently, a large number of flying insects appeared on a bridge in Yuanshui, Hanshou County, Hunan Province. They gathered on the bridge and accumulated several centimeters thick, even causing traffic accidents. The people in charge of Health Bureau of Hanshou County said in an interview that the creatures on the scene were mayflies, which were harmless to humans. However, such a large-scale gathering of insects also caused heated discussions among many netizens.


In fact, large-scale gathering of insects is a common phenomenon in the nature. The reasons behind it are varied, mainly including several aspects, such as reproductive behavior, which is what we often call the mating flight phenomenon. Another example is the defense mechanism. Insects may gather together due to food shortages, environmental changes or threats from natural enemies to jointly resist risks. It may also be environmental adaptation. In some cases, insects will gather into large groups according to the needs of the environment. The large number of flying insects gathering on the Yuanshui Bridge this time is likely to be the mating flight phenomenon.


We should all realize the importance and urgency of protecting the environment. Respecting nature, adapting to nature, protecting nature, and to make the beautiful vision of harmonious coexistence between human and nature a reality.


Original Chinese Article:

Translator: Sara

Checked by: Richard

Editor: Sara    

Contact:; +8617319454776


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