ZHOU Jinfeng Recommends CBCGDF WaYC Community to President of the 73rd United Nations General Assembly to Join the Global Women Leaders Voices

On the eve of International Womens Day, Dr. Zhou Jinfeng, Secretary-General of the China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF), was invited to meet with Ms. María Fernanda Espinosa Garcés, President of the 73rd United Nations General Assembly, for an informal dialogue.

At the meeting, Dr. Zhou Jinfeng stated that CBCGDF is the only national social organization in the field of biodiversity conservation and green development. As a foundation, we have a youth and womens working group named CBCGDF our Women and Youth Community(WaYC) that brings together women and youth from across China, including indigenous people and ethnic minorities. Zhou said, I am very happy to hear that your work covers international women. I would like to introduce our CBCGDF WaYC Community, and recommend it to join and participate in your Global Women Leaders Voices."

Ms. Espinoza pointed out that one of the major challenges facing the world today is the issue of peace, and she was very happy to discuss peace with people from different backgrounds, different faiths and religions, and different ages. What does peace mean? It requires dialogue between women and intergenerational dialogue to create peace at the regional level.She believes that these dialogues will be the best way to provide information for high-level, complex diplomatic discussions or negotiations. We should see this diversity not as a problem but as something that enriches the international decision-making process. Regarding the CBCGDF WaYC Community, she is honored and happy to be contacted.

Ms. Espinoza served as the 73rd President of the United Nations General Assembly from 2018 to 2019. She was born on 7 September 1964, and is an experienced diplomat with extensive expertise in international negotiations, peace and security, human rights, indigenous peoples, gender equality, sustainable development and multilateral cooperation. She served as Minister of Foreign Affairs and Defense of Ecuador and chaired the work of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean Countries (CELAC). Ms. Espinosa was Special Adviser to the President of the Constituent Assembly that drafted the Constitution of Ecuador in 2008 and Regional Director (South America) and Adviser on Biodiversity (Geneva) at the International Union for Conservation of Nature. In both positions, she worked for approximately 10 years on various initiatives at WIPO and WTO; participated in negotiations on intellectual property, and traditional and ancestral knowledge; and supported the Andean Community and the Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization on strategic management and sustainable development.

Reporter: Daisy

Checked by: Sara

Editor: Daisy

Contact: v10@cbcgdf.org; +8617319454776


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