The Famous Poet Mr. BAI Ya Will Give a Speech at the CBCGDF Biodiversity Science Museum on September 28 | Literary Imagination of Earth Citizens

At 9 am on September 28, 2024, the China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) Biodiversity Science Museum will organize its fourth Biodiversity Luminaries Lecture Series.The guest speaker is the famous poet, the founder of process poetics, Mr. BAI Ya. He will share with you from the perspective of the transformation of literary motivation: What is the role of poets in the era of the fourth civilization? What kind of changes are the forces of the times of globalization, the fourth civilization, media change, and artificial intelligence affecting literary motivation? How does process poetry education practice the concepts of life care, unified health, and poetic education?

Bai Ya, the founder of process poetry. The poet was born in Fanchang, Anhui Province. In 2010, he published "Outline of Process Poetry: 15 Keywords", and created a process poetics system with "combination of Chinese and Western, the fourth civilization, regional poetry, process poetry education" as the core concept and "process eye, ecological heart, free pen" as the creative principle. In 2021, he published "Process Poetics: Poetry Consciousness in the Era of the fourth civilization", in 2023, he published "Outline of Process Poetry Education" and "New Mission: Process Poetry Education Required by the Times", and in 2024, he published "Basic Characteristics of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Poetry". He has written more than 300 poems (sets) such as "A Brief History of the Future", "Letters in Troubled Times", and "Sand Tiger", as well as a variety of poetic essays.

Lecture Information

Time: 9:00-11:00 am, September 28, 2024 (Saturday)

Venue: CBCGDF Biodiversity Science Museum(1st floor of CBCGDF Building, Daxing Biomedicine Base, Beijing)

Contact us :; 15313252939 (WeChat)

Original article:

Translator: Daisy

Checked by Sara

Editor: Daisy

Contact:; +8617319454776

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