New Book Sharing : Predicting the Optimal Operating Energy Efficiency and How to Solve the "Dual Carbon" Challenge? | Welcome to CBCGDF Media Live Stream on September 16

From 9:00 to 10:00 AM on September 16, 2024, Dr. YAO Fulai will present a lecture of his new book "Efficient Energy-Saving Control and Optimization for Multi-unit Systems: A Guide for Electrical Engineers" on CBCGDF Media. The lecture, titled "Predicting Optimal Operational Energy Efficiency: Solving the 'Dual Carbon' Dilemma," will cover four main topics: the unification of power generation maximization and energy consumption minimization in multi-unit systems, the allocation of variables and constants in energy expressions; an introduction to quantum optimization methods; the theory of optimal operational energy efficiency prediction; and the mathematical proof of two universal operational energy efficiency optimization theorems.


Dr. YAO, a doctor, researcher, and one of the drafters of the "Pump Unit Operational Energy Efficiency Limit and Efficiency Grade" T/CGDF 00006-2021 standard published by the China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation, is a "70th Anniversary Top 100 Translators" and "Gold Author" for the Machinery Industry Press. He is also the speaker for the "Dr. Yao on Pump Station Energy Saving" column in the "Urban Water Supply" magazine. As the first author and translator, he has published 13 Chinese works, one English work (Springer), translated one English work, and published over 100 papers in Chinese and English (24 indexed by EI and SCI). He is the first inventor of more than 100 patents.


In the field of "Dual Carbon - Energy Efficiency and Carbon Reduction," Dr. Yao has unified the energy efficiency optimization issues of multi-power systems in power generation, transmission, and consumption, proving the optimal load distribution method (Yao's Theorem 1) and switching method (Yao's Theorem 2) for energy efficiency. He has completed more than 100 automated equipment and energy-saving engineering projects.


Live Stream Link:


Original Chinese Article:

Translator: Sara

Checked by: Richard

Editor: Sara    

Contact:; +8617319454776


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