IUCN Asia Regional Conservation Forum Opens in Bangkok on Sept 3 | CBCGDF Reports

The 8th IUCN Asia Regional Conservation Forum (RCF) kicked off in Bangkok, Thailand on September 3rd, 2024, bringing together over 500 government officials, scientists, NGO representatives, and indigenous community members from across Asia. The forum aims to address the pressing issue of biodiversity loss and climate change in the region and chart a course towards a nature-positive future for Asia. As a member of IUCN, Linda Wong, Deputy Secretay-General, China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation, is participating in person.

Under the theme "Reimagining Conservation in Asia: A Nature Positive Future," the forum will delve into various topics, including assessing conservation progress in Asia, redefining conservation priorities, and developing strategies for a sustainable future. Participants will discuss challenges and opportunities for biodiversity conservation in the region and explore ways to foster cooperation among governments, NGOs, businesses, and communities.

As one of the most important conservation events in Asia, the RCF offers a valuable opportunity for participants to share experiences, best practices, and innovative solutions. By fostering partnerships and cooperation, the forum aims to contribute to a more sustainable future for Asia.

China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) will continue to follow the developments of the forum and provide you with the latest updates.

Reporter: Wendy

Editor: Samantha

Contact: v10@cbcgdf.org; +8617319454776


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