To Intensify wetland protection, Old Power Towers Can be Appropriately Utilized to as Breeding Sites for Oriental White Storks | CBCGDF Training on the Lifeline of Migratory Birds

On the afternoon of May 21, 2024, the third special training on "Processes and Measures for Handling Bird Conditions on Transmission Lines" was held online by the Research Department of the China Biodiversity Conservation and Development Foundation (CBCGDF). Relevant personnel from State Grid Jilin Xianghai and Jilin Changling Power Supply Company participated this training.



Jilin Province is rich in wetland resources. Located in the "East Asia-Australia" migratory Flyway, it is a breeding ground for many rare and endangered species such as the white crane, red-crowned crane, oriental white stork, and Chinese mergansers. In recent years, Jilin Province has comprehensively increased the protection of wetland resources and migratory birds in the province.



Combined with the local resource conditions and the current situation of line bird conflicts in Jilin Province, this training first comprehensively introduces common types of transmission line faults, bird related fault types that intersect with transmission lines, and bird species. Then, experts of the CBCGDF Research Department introduced the disposal plans for common bird-related faults.


During the training, experts of the CBCGDF Research Department suggested that on the basis of optimizing and improving the current "migratory bird lifeline" measures, we can continue to work with local communities to strengthen the protection of wetland resources, and make appropriate use of old power towers and other resources to increase breeding sites for the Oriental White Stork.


Translator: Sara

Checked by Daisy

Editor: Sara

Contact:; +8617319454776


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