CBCGDF CCAfa Volunteers Discovered Illegal Activities While Patrolling the Drinking Water Source Area in Suihua City

On May 21, 2024, volunteers from the China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) Wetland Community Conservation Area(CCAfa) in Suihua City, Heilongjiang Province, carried out patrol work in the Hulan River Surface Water Drinking Water Source Protection Area in Beilin District, Suihua City. At the water source located in Liuhualanzitun, Dongfu Town, Beilin District, volunteers saw multiple cage nets placed in the water and ships docked on the shore.

According to the volunteers, the water source in the area is contracted to individuals, and the cage nets and ships belong to individuals, so volunteers cannot clean them up.

However, the area's water source is a first-level protected area.

According to the "Regulations on the Prevention and Control of Pollution in Drinking Water Source Protected Areas", no docks unrelated to water supply needs are allowed in the first-level protected areas, and ships are prohibited from docking; it is prohibited to pile up and store industrial waste, urban garbage, feces and other wastes; it is prohibited to engage in planting, raising livestock and cage breeding activities; tourism activities and other activities that may pollute water sources are prohibited.

It can be seen that it is illegal to place cage nets and dock ships in the first-level protected areas of drinking water sources. In addition, during the patrol, CBCGDF volunteers also discovered people playing, camping, fishing, grazing, etc. near the water source.

The volunteers reported the above situation to the local government department and also called the municipal hotline 12345 to explain the problem. Volunteers said: "Heilongjiang Province has entered this year's fishing ban period. We hope the situation of the drinking water source in Beilin District will attract the attention of local government departments. This is the source of drinking water for the citizens of Beilin District, and protection must be strengthened. Strictly crack down on these illegal activities to ensure the safety of drinking water."

Volunteers are eager to clean up these cage nets and ships currently found in water sources as soon as possible, and it is strictly forbidden to carry out various human activities near water sources that threaten the safety of water sources. Relevant local departments are called on to take preventive measures, such as adding iron fences on the shores of water sources, to better protect the water sources that citizens in Beilin District rely on for their survival.

Original article:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/-_Sf4eFvsas1GtLEEBPyPQ


Checked by Sara

Editor: Daisy

Contact: v10@cbcgdf.org; +8617319454776


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