CBCGDF Established Community Conservation Area for Dark & Starry Sky at Kaihua, Zhejiang Province


In May 2023, the China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) proudly inaugurated its 183rd Community Conservation Area (CCAfa) in the picturesque village of Gaotiankeng, Changhong Township, Kaihua County, Zhejiang Province. This marks the seventh Dark & Starry Sky Conservation Area established by CBCGDF, underscoring their ongoing commitment to preserving the natural night sky.


Gaotiankeng, an ancient village nestled at an altitude of 590 meters, is celebrated for its pristine ecological conditions and minimal light pollution. The village’s stargazing platform, situated at 740 meters above sea level, offers an expansive, unobstructed view of the heavens, making it one of the premier stargazing locations in Eastern China. The absence of significant artificial light within a 10-kilometer radius enhances its appeal to astronomy enthusiasts, who regard it as a sanctuary for observing the night sky.

Designated a Traditional Chinese Village in 2017, Gaotiankeng is the highest and most well-preserved natural village in Kaihua County. Its stargazing platform is located within the core 10-kilometer zone of the Qianjiangyuan National Park, a biodiversity hotspot known for its extensive, undisturbed Central Asian subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forests. The park is one of China's 35 priority areas for biodiversity conservation and serves as a crucial habitat for several endangered species, including the Chinese black muntjac (Muntiacus crinifrons) and the white-necked long-tailed pheasant (Syrmaticus ellioti).

Qianjiangyuan National Park, the birthplace of Zhejiang's Qiantang River, is home to 2,244 species of higher plants, including one national first-class protected plant and 15 national second-class protected plants. The park also supports a rich diversity of fauna, with 2,013 insect species, 264 bird species, 44 mammal species, 26 amphibian species, 38 reptile species, and 42 fish species. Among these, four are national first-class protected animals, and 55 are national second-class protected animals. This diverse ecosystem highlights the park's significance as a natural haven and an essential conservation area in the lower Yangtze River region.

The exceptional quality of the night sky in Gaotiankeng allows for clear, unaided views of the Milky Way in summer, the Orion constellation in winter, and other prominent constellations throughout the year. This makes it an ideal location for stargazing, education, and appreciation of the night sky.

Facilities at the conservation area include a research and study base, a starry sky observation pavilion, and an astro-camping site, providing visitors with opportunities to engage in astronomical observations, recreational activities, and educational programs.

The protection of dark and starry skies is not only about preserving their beauty and wonder but also about recognizing their scientific, ecological, and cultural importance. Unfortunately, light pollution increasingly threatens these valuable natural resources, depriving many communities of the opportunity to experience and study the night sky. Since its inception in 2014, the CBCGDF's Dark & Starry Sky Working Committee has been at the forefront of efforts to safeguard these precious skies. Their initiatives include public awareness campaigns to highlight the importance of dark sky conservation, active participation in the development of relevant policies and regulations, and support for scientific research to inform conservation strategies.

Moreover, the Committee has launched demonstration projects aimed at integrating dark sky protection with local sustainable livelihoods, providing replicable models for other regions. By fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation of the night sky, CBCGDF continues to inspire and mobilize efforts to preserve these invaluable natural resources for future generations.

Reporter: Wendy

Editor: Samantha  

Contact: v10@cbcgdf.org; +8617319454776


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