The Absurd "Dolphin as Fish" Incident: A Wake-Up Call for Ecological Protection in Poyang Lake by the Central Ecological and Environmental Protection Inspectorate

On May 20, 2024, what was supposed to be a day filled with love turned into a day of shock and disbelief for many. According to reports from multiple media outlets including The Beijing News and Guangming Daily, on March 24, 2024, the Central Ecological and Environmental Protection Inspectorate conducted a surprise inspection in the Poyang Lake area of Jiangxi Province. They discovered a young Yangtze River dolphin struggling desperately in an oil slick, trying to escape. This scene occurred just 2.7 kilometers from the core area of the Poyang Lake Yangtze River Dolphin Provincial Nature Reserve. Incredibly, an official from Lushan City, Jiujiang, insisted that it was a "large-sized black carp." Even after being corrected by the inspectors, the official then claimed it might be a "black fish or an otter." It was only after repeated explanations by the inspectors that the official reluctantly admitted it was a dolphin, dismissing it as a "small probability event."

Credit: Central Ecological Environment Protection Inspection Group

The exposure of this incident quickly ignited a strong public reaction, trending rapidly on social media. Some wittily remarked, "In ancient times, it was 'pointing to a deer and calling it a horse,' now we have 'pointing to a dolphin and calling it a fish'!"

The reason for the outrage was not just the absurdity of the official's statements but also because the incident itself highlighted the failures and negligence in local ecological protection efforts. Poyang Lake is a crucial habitat for the Yangtze River dolphin, and the oil spill and inadequate response evidently posed a severe threat to the dolphin's survival environment.

【The Deeper Issues Behind the Absurdity】

The absurdity of the "dolphin as fish" incident goes beyond the ignorance and evasion of an individual official. It reveals deeper systemic issues. Primarily, local governments and relevant departments do not fully recognize the importance of ecological protection and lack effective regulatory measures and emergency response mechanisms. The repeated oil spills from illegal dredging vessels were not promptly reported or handled by the construction unit, resulting in the young dolphin being trapped. This highlights the weaknesses and dereliction of duty in ecological protection efforts.

Image source: Specimens of Baiji dolphin and Jiangzi dolphin from the National Zoological Museum. If our generation does not protect the finless porpoise well, its fate may disappear completely in the future, just like the white dolphin and sturgeon. ©️  CBCGDF Media Matrix · "OceanWetlands" team 

The incident raises critical questions: Did the project construction, situated just 2.7 kilometers from the core area of the Poyang Lake Yangtze River Dolphin Provincial Nature Reserve, consider the environmental impact? How was the environmental impact assessment conducted? The exposure of this incident not only shows the serious threat to the dolphin's habitat but also points to potential shortcomings in environmental assessments and regulatory oversight. Such close-proximity construction did not adequately consider the impact on the dolphins and their habitat, leading to frequent oil spill accidents that directly endanger the survival of this rare species.

Additionally, the report mentions rampant illegal fishing and poaching activities, further exacerbating the ecological degradation of Poyang Lake. Inspectors faced threats from poaching gangs while gathering evidence, reflecting not only the inadequacy of local law enforcement but also the prevalence of illegal activities and the poor state of ecological protection.

【The Current Status and Significance of Yangtze River Dolphin Conservation】

According to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs' 2022 survey of the Yangtze River dolphin, the population is approximately 1,249 individuals, with around 595 in the main stream of the Yangtze River, 492 in Poyang Lake, and 162 in Dongting Lake. Although these numbers show a slight recovery, they remain fragile compared to historical levels. As a top predator in the Yangtze River aquatic food chain, the dolphin's survival status serves as an indicator of the river's ecological health. The decline in dolphin numbers directly reflects the health of the Yangtze River ecosystem and highlights the significant impact of human activities on the environment.

Poyang Lake, as a vital habitat for the dolphin, directly affects their survival. The 2022 survey showed that the dolphin population in Poyang Lake was around 492, with their distribution gradually expanding, indicating continuous improvement in the lake's ecological environment and effective conservation measures. However, the occurrence of the oil spill incident suggests that there are still gaps in habitat protection efforts that need urgent attention.

【The Importance of Protecting the Yangtze River Dolphin】

Protecting the Yangtze River dolphin is not just about conserving a single species; it is about maintaining the health and stability of the entire Yangtze River ecosystem. As a top predator, the dolphin helps maintain the balance of the aquatic community. Its health status is a barometer of the Yangtze River's ecological environment. Therefore, protecting the dolphin is equivalent to protecting the river's ecosystem and is essential for the high-quality development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt.

The finless porpoise is a Chinese unique species. The above picture shows the Neophocaena asiaeorientalis in the Tongling Freshwater Porpoise National Nature Reserve in Anhui Province. Photo by Hang Dequan.  © CBCGDF Media Matrix · "OceanWetlands" team

The conservation of the dolphin contributes to preserving biodiversity. The dolphin is a unique and rare species of the Yangtze River system, whose survival depends on a healthy aquatic ecosystem. By protecting the dolphin, we can promote the overall protection of the Yangtze River's aquatic environment, fostering the maintenance and restoration of biodiversity. Moreover, dolphin conservation helps advance ecological civilization. As a national first-class protected wild animal, the dolphin's survival status reflects the effectiveness of our ecological civilization construction. Through dolphin conservation, we can enhance public awareness of environmental protection and mobilize the entire society to participate in building an ecological civilization.

【The Role of Public Participation】

To truly "protect Poyang Lake's clear waters," public participation is crucial. Only through extensive education and outreach can we raise public awareness of ecological protection and foster a society-wide focus on protecting Poyang Lake. Active public involvement can monitor and report environmental violations, ensuring the implementation of environmental policies and measures. Local governments should enhance transparency, encourage public involvement in environmental decision-making, and establish platforms and mechanisms for public participation, ensuring everyone can contribute to the protection of Poyang Lake. In fact, if the "whistleblower" system operates smoothly and relevant disclosures are sufficiently publicized, many similar issues could be prevented.

The occurrence of the "dolphin as fish" incident is a severe wake-up call, revealing numerous problems in local ecological protection efforts and highlighting the urgent need to protect the dolphin and its habitat. As an important indicator species of the Yangtze River ecosystem, the conservation of the Yangtze River dolphin remains a significant challenge. Only through collective societal efforts, enhanced regulations, improved mechanisms, and heightened awareness can we achieve effective dolphin protection, promote the continuous improvement of the Yangtze River's ecological environment, and safeguard this important achievement of ecological civilization. I hope that in the future, incidents like "dolphin as fish" will no longer occur.

(Note: This article reflects the author's personal views. It does not represent the platform's stance. Comments, critiques, and discussions are welcome.)

(Note 2: News sources include Guangming Daily and The Beijing News)

Author | Shen Yihang

Editor | Richard


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