Cleaning up nets, Picking up Garbage, Releasing Loaches, Rescuing Birds, the first day of the Suihua Fishing Ban Season is Busy! | CBCGDF CCAfa

On May 16, 2024, on the first day of the fishing ban Season of Suihua city, volunteers from Suihua Wetland Conservation Area of the China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) carried out patrol work, mainly patrolling Weixing Town and Dongjiao Town in Wangkui County, Suihua City, Sifangtai Town and Qinjia Town in Beilin District, driving for more than 200 kilometers.


On April 15, 2024, Heilongjiang Province issued the "2024 Fishing Ban Notice in Heilongjiang Province ", implementing a fishing ban season throughout the province from 12:00 on May 16 to 12:00 on July 31.


During the patrol, volunteers discovered multiple cage nets in the river under the bridge in Weixing Town, Wangkui County. They pulled up these illegal nets that had been thrown into the water. A total of 8 cage nets were cleaned. Meanwhile, volunteers carried out garbage-picking activity along the river, more than 200 kilograms of plastic bags, food bags, discarded firecracker barrels and other garbage were cleaned.


In Dongjiao Town, Wangkui County, volunteers discovered three bird catching nets. The volunteers rescued eight birds from the nets and disposed of the nets. At the Hulan River section in Qinjia Town, Beilin District, volunteers discovered two cage nets and destroyed them on site.


Translator: Sara

Checked by: Richard

Editor: Sara    

Contact:; +8617319454776




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