Green Book 2024 (I): Principles of Ecological Restoration

This article is excerpted from "Comprehensively Promoting Ecological Restoration and Compacting the Foundation of Green Development" in the second part of "Theoretical Exploration and Strategic Research" of Analysis of China's Green Economy Development in 2024, published by China Social Sciences Press in March 2024, with the original authors being Zhou Jinfeng, Zhao Yuping and Kong Chulan. Zhou Jinfeng, Zhao Yuping, and Kong Chuilan. For more information, please purchase the paperback version of the book. 

Credit: CBCGDF

Ecological restoration is the core concept of restoration ecology. The International Society for Restoration Ecology (SER) defines ecological restoration as the process of assisting damaged and degraded ecosystems to recover, rebuild and improve. This definition has also been adopted by the China Shanshui Project. However, there are still some differences in the translation of "ecological restoration" in China.


Since 2020, the preparation of ecological restoration planning for national land space has been initiated, which promotes the development and innovation of ecological restoration theories in China to adapt to China's national conditions and ecological restoration practices.


The four principles of ecological restoration proposed by CBCGDF:


1. Conservation principle: Conserve resources and protect the ecology in the whole life cycle.

2. Natural principle: Respect the laws of nature, focus on natural restoration, supplemented by human intervention.

3. Limited principle: Governance needs to be moderate, avoid excessive intervention, and emphasize science.

4. Systematic principle: systematic restoration from a holistic perspective.


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Editor: LYJ

Check: Richard

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