533,000 Views and More than 2,500 Articles Published from January-December 2023 | CBCGDF "OceanWetlands" Platfrom

The OceanWetlands" Platform was founded on December 8, 2022 and has been operated by CBCGDF’s Marine and Wetlands Working Group, as one of the communication platforms under CBCGDF Media. At present, the total number of subscribers has increased from the initial 73 to 12,992. From January to December 2023, the total number of article views reached 533,000, and more than 2,500 articles were published. The number of views from January to May 2024 has reached 718,000.


The "Ocean and Wetlands" platform is dedicated to reporting cutting-edge, innovative and high-quality Marine and wetland frontier trends, serving global marine and wetland scientists, environmentalists, as well as readers, researchers, policy makers, and the public in the fields of global science and technology governance and global environmental governance, and providing public welfare support for academic research activities. Its mission revolves around providing information and fostering collaboration, ultimately safeguarding marine biodiversity and advancing global cooperation. 

In terms of content, the platform consistently tracks the latest updates from major environmental conventions, intergovernmental organizations, and international bodies. This includes, but is not limited to CBD, RAMSAR, CMS, CITES, UNFCCC, UNCLOS, BBNJ, ITPGRFA, UNCCD, ISA, IMO, BRS, UNEP/UNEA, IPCC, IPBES, IOC-UNESCO, GBIF, GGBN, IUCN, ISO, EBP, as well as the ongoing developments in negotiations for end plastic pollution treaty, DSI governance, and scientific ethics governance, etc. 

The “OceanWetlands” warmly welcomes collaborations from around the globe and will continue to work hard to serve readers, provide information, build platforms, and help scientific experts deeply participate in global science and technology and environmental governance.


Original article:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/-C_1zhglzoGLrkHJoWSA4A

Translator: Sara

Checked by: Richard

Editor: Sara 

Contact: v10@cbcgdf.org; +8617319454776


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