During Patrol, CBCGDF CCAfa Volunteers Discovered an "Outdoor Camp" Built on the Bank of the Hulan River Section in Suihua Beilin District

On May 18, 2024, the third day of the fishing ban season in Heilongjiang Province, volunteers from the Wetland Conservation Area in Suihua (CCAfa) of the China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) organized river patrols and fishing protection work in the Nuomin River in Beilin District, Suihua City and the Hulan River section of Qinjia Bridge in Dongfu Town.

While patrolling near Qinjia Bridge, CBCGDF CCAfa volunteers found that someone was collecting the ground cage nets thrown into the river, and there were many captured fish in the nets. After several hours of pursuit, it was discovered that it was a staff member of a place called "Bridge Outdoor Camp". The camp is on the south bank of the Hulan River at Qinjia Bridge, with tents and other buildings. According to the volunteers, the river fish supplied by the camp are directly caught from the Hulan River using ground cage nets.

At present, Suihua City has entered the fishing ban period, and it is illegal to use ground cage nets for fishing operations. Whether the camp's direct construction of a business site on the bank of the Hulan River is legal and whether it has approval procedures is even more questionable. In addition, where the domestic garbage and domestic sewage generated by the camp's operation are discharged... none of this is known.

CBCGDF CCAfa volunteers immediately called the police and reported the problems they found to the fishery law enforcement department, but have not yet received a response from the relevant department on the matter.

Original article:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/hjvXtKWORlSmGwQJyU7JDA


Checked by Sara

Editor: Daisy

Contact: v10@cbcgdf.org; +8617319454776


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